#Urgent Notice - 17.02.2025#

#Urgent Notice - 01.10.2024#

#Urgent Notice - 21.04.2021#

#Urgent Notice - 04.02.2021#

#Urgent Notice - 16.09.2020#

#Urgent Notice - 24.07.2020#

#Urgent Notice - 03.07.2020#

#Press Release - 26.6.2020#

#Most Urgent Board circular - 24/06/2020#

# Urgent Notice - 24/06/2020 #

# Important Board Circular - 17/06/2020 #

# Urgent Notice (16/06/2020) #

# Important Circular - 15/06/2020 #

# Urgent Notice (12/06/2020) #

# Urgent Notice (05/06/2020) #

Dear Students and Parents

Tamralipta Public School, along with Eloit Innovations, our technology partner, is organising an online live training for Student and Parents on 'How to set up and use Microsoft Teams for Online Learning'. This online training will be lead by Thomson Philip, CEO of Eloit Innovations.

Date: 5th June 2020
Time: 6 pm to 6:30 pm
Link to Join: https://bit.ly/eloit0506

During this online training, you'll learn,

How to
1) Download and Install Teams on Laptop / Mobiles
2) Login to Microsoft Teams
3) View all your scheduled classes in Calendar
4) Join an online live class.
5) View recorded videos of previous classes
6) View and submit assignments.
7) Attend Online Exams
8) Open Files shared by teachers.
9) Add additional students accounts and switch between the students in a Microsoft Teams app.
10) Tips and Best practise for active online learning

Kindly make the best use of this live training

# NOTICE ( 02.06.2020 ) #


# NOTICE ( 01.05.2020 ) #

Dear Parents / Guardians, With the approval of the Management and Guardian representatives, you are hereby informed that we are going to start live online virtual classes from the first week of May'2020 with the help of one of the best virtual class room App "Microsoft Teams". The live online classes will be conducted from Montessori to class XII. Details about the schedule, class timing and procedure to operate will be notified very soon. Parents / Guardians are also requested to make arrangements for desktop, laptop, tab,or smartphone for their wards as soon as possible.

Books will be distributed by Saha Book Suppliers on 04/05/2020 and 05/05/2020 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. from school for those who have not collected the books.

My Dear Students, I request you to follow the lock down routine / schedule of the online classes prepared by school strictly and sit down to learn online carefully. I wish you all a happy online learning.

Please check regularly school website for updated information. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay indoors.

With regards,

# Urgent Notice (23/04/2020) #

Ref. No. TPS / 308 / 2020

Dear Parents / Guardians,

We express our heartfelt gratitude for the support and co-operation from you during the Nationwide lock down due to the Covid - 19.

We submit the following points for your kind consideration / understanding.
  • Tamralipta Public School is run by NHK Welfare Foundation which is an NGO, The only source of income of the school is the fees collected from the parents. The salary of the school staff is paid out of the tuition fees collected from the parents.
    If the school does not receive the tuition fees on time then the school will not be able to pay the salary to the employees. Moreover in the present situation due to Covid - 19, if any parent is having difficulty to pay Monthly fees then the concerned parent should feel free to contact the school office. Management will always consider those cases with sympathy.
    Fees can be paid online. No late fees for the first two months (April 2020 and May 2020).
  • Books are distributed by a private vendor named "Saha Book Supplier". The school has no connection with the book distribution. Books are selected by the Academic Council of the school. If any guardian does not want to buy the books from "Saha Book Supplier”, they can purchase the books from outside. Book list can be collected from the school office after reopening of the school. Parents who are interested to buy the books from Saha Book Supplier, they will be informed about the new dates after the lock down period gets over.
  • Parents are hereby informed that the academic calendar made for the session 2020-21 before the lock down period was of 211days but due to Covid - 19 we have made a revised academic calendar of 205 days including Saturday and reducing the winter vacation. The revised academic calendar will be uploaded in the school Website. So in that case the transportation cost and other recurring expenditure remains the same. Hence it is quite impossible for us to forfeit the transport and other fees of April and May 2020.
  • As per the decision of the previous Managing Committee, blazer should be introduced from class V onwards. As per previous experience we have seen that the private vendor could not give the blazer on time or the quality was not good. So in order to provide the blazer on time with good quality we are collecting the money for the blazer at the beginning. This decision was made before the lock down started. Moreover if any parent want to take refund of the Blazer money, it will be refunded now but will be collected later. We are bound by the system as the fees are uploaded in the bank portal.
  • Digital classes are taken as per the requirement of the students and it is run by Pearson India. If there is any technical fault we inform the company immediately, they take some time to repair it. We have deputed one person for this purpose. Moreover the Management have decided to introduce 5 more digital class rooms in near future.
    Parents are requested to access school website regularly for Assignments projects, videos, school Notice etc for your ward to get updated about the latest news related to school activities. Parents are informed that a New Managing Committee got constituted for the session 2020-21.
The Name of Guardian Representative are as follows :-
  • Dr. Sujit Kumar Bera, Father of Sanchayan Bera of class - III and Srijeeta Bera of class X., Mob. - 9434110720
  • Mr. Sumanta Dey Father of Nisargha Dey of class - IV, Mob. - 9775569199
  • Mr. Sakti Prasad Bhattacharjee Father of Subhradeep Bhattacharjee of class - VIII, Mob. - 9434132983 / 9474087725

School office will remain closed during the lock down period.
Parents are also requested that if any of your Relative / Friends wants to take admission they could admit their wards through online admission process. They can contact Mr. Tara Prasanna Sinha, Mob. – 8972063535
We are trying our level best to help the students by providing them subject related videos. This will be useful for the students to prepare their course / syllabus during the lock down period. We do understand that the qualities of some videos send by the teachers are not good. This is happening due to net work problems as the residence of some of the teachers are in the rural areas. Inspite of that we are trying our best to satisfy the students / parents. Please co-operate with us.
As the teachers are not able to come to school during the lock down period so the syllabus could not be prepared at this moment. Once the lock down period is over the teachers will come to school and prepare the syllabus which will be uploaded in the Website before the re-opening of the school. As of now parents can cover first 3 to 4 chapters of different subjects, which will be included in the half-yearly syllabus.

"Stay Safe, Stay healthy, Stay indoors. May we continue to pray that God heal the Land. Seeking your co-operation as always."
---Xavier Paulraj (Principal)

# Urgent Notice (16/04/2020) #

# Urgent Notice (15/04/2020) #

  • Only one parent with identity card of the student is allowed. No. students / children are allowed. In case of any enquiry on the road by the administration, please show the identity card of the student and inform them about book distribution of TPS.
  • Parents having two or more children studying in different classes can collect the books on the same day.
  • Those parents who have not paid the renewal / tuition fees are earnestly requested to collect the books from the school on the scheduled dates. This will help the students to understand the videos uploaded by the teachers in the website.
  • Parents / Guardians are hereby informed that the school had already given a letter (Ref. No. TPS / 242/2019 dated 27.09.2019) to the Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal School Education Department, Secondary Branch, Bikash Bhavan seeking permission to increase the Monthly Tuition fees from the month of April 2020 and we have not got any letter of objection from the Department. It is becoming quite impossible to run the institution and so we were compelled to increase the Monthly Tuition Fees. Considering the present situation all over India due to the issue of COVID – 19, if any parent is having difficulty to pay the Tuition Fees then the concerned parent may contact the authorities. Those cases may be treated with sympathy. Parents can pay the Tuition Fees of April and May by 15th May 2020 without late fine. If Bank deducts late fine then that amount will be adjusted with fees of June 2020 and July 2020. Once again parents are earnestly requested to pay the Tuition Fees as fast as possible. This will help to pay the salary to the teachers as it completely depends upon the payment of Tuition Fees. Parents also requested to pay renewal fees within 15th May, 2020.

# Urgent Notice CIRCULAR (13/04/2020) #

Parents/ Guardians are requested to take a note of the following schedule: -

  • Summer Vacation -15th April 2020 – 14th June 2020.
  • School reopens after Summer Vacation for the Session 2020 – 21 on 15th June 2020 i.e. Monday.
  • Projects and subject related videos of various classes will get uploaded in the website on a regular basis as Home Assignments for the students during Summer Vacation.
  • All lost working days (31 days) will be made up by keeping the school open on Saturdays and reducing the Winter Vacation. No Compromise will be made on the completion of syllabus.
  • Total Working Days for the Session 2020 21 is 204.
  • Half-yearly Examination will begin on 01.10.2020
  • Pre-Board (X and XII) Examination will start from 5.01.2021
  • There will be no Annual Concert in this Academic year (2020 – 21).
  • Phone number of Class Teachers will be uploaded in the website. Parents may contact them for Academic Details.
  • Parents may contact Ms. Nivedita Basu (Mobile No. – 7686835193) the school counselor to sort out various issues related to their children
  • Annual marks of all the students of various classes will be uploaded in the Website on 16.04.2020
  • Principal Sir is available in the School Office from 14.04.2020 to 22.04.2020, Time 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Schedule of Book Distribution and Accessories (If required) as follows:-
17.04.2020 VIII & IX 8 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
18.04.2020 VI & VII 8 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
19.04.2020 IV & V 8 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
20.04.2020 II & III 8 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
21.04.2020 K.G. & I 8 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
22.04.2020 MONT., LN. & UN 8 A.M. TO 3 P.M.

N.B. – Only one parent with identity card of the student is allowed. No. students / children are allowed. In case of any enquiry on the road by the administration, please show the identity card of the student and inform them about book distribution of TPS.

# Urgent Notice (01/04/2020) #

  • Report cards along with Answer Papers will be distributed on 17/04/2020 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Parents/ Guardians are requested to bring Identity Card of student to collect Report Cards.Only one parent or guardian is allowed.
  • Books & Accessories will be available for newly admitted students on 16/04/2020 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. & For existing students - from 17/04/2020 to 18/04/2020 from 8 a.m to 3 p.m.
  • Renewal & Tuition Fees Payment (April & May '2020) will be done through online only from 01/04/2020 to 15/04/2020.
  • Date of reopening for the new session will be notified later.
  • All lost Academic days will be made up.